Conversation between @JosephKBlack and @elyssad

ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
2011-06-16 21:14
You need to unfollow @Lulzsec @ligatt @jadedsecurity @krypt3ia block them ALL. They can still see your tweets even if private. Ok?
ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
2011-06-13 21:15
Based upon what I just read, I’d rather be a SO than a pawn.
ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
2011-06-13 21:14
Too late. SO means special operations. When I sign MY name on a report I use SO as a sign of respect. “Solo Operator”
Joe Black (@JosephKBlack)
2011-06-13 16:58
Oh I meant its SO BLACK OP that doesn’t exist. Get it? Of course its real.
ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
2011-06-13 16:38
What are you doing. Black co ops is fake? Shhh. ? I came to your defense legally publically and if black co ops doesn’t exist ? WTF am I ?
ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
2011-05-26 18:15
Remember to beware of Manchurian mind control  a LOT of Monarchs like firedragon. She give you any more trouble?
ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
2011-05-26 18:13
They said “thank you Niels” in English than switched to Russian. Everything WE post
ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
2011-05-26 18:12
I can’t get on FaceBook but NSA was just here prolly redirecting signal or IP. The Russians are cross posting everything YOU & I post on FB
ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
2011-05-26 18:10
I here what you are saying, but I don’t think you have all the necessary information. I will not hashtag CwZ but want to caution you Flag HI
Joe Black (@JosephKBlack)
2011-05-26 17:54
Can you ease up on Reza and CWZ? I haven’t seen anything that tells me he is up to no good. Please.


Sent with Twitter for iPhone

Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.

United States of America

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